249: House of M Conclusion: No More Mutants
Hey there! This is the NerdSoup4U X-Men blog!
I invite you to join me as I take a journey through every X-Men (and most X-Men related) comics from the very beginning through present day.
248: X-Men & Friends During the House of M
216: UXM 416 - 420 : Dominant Species
213: NXM # 127, XTX # 19 (Transitions)
206: Wolverine 173 - 176 (Origin)
199: UXM388, XMV2 109-110 (Colossus Dies & X-Men Move on)
195: X-Men Forever
188: UXM 378, XM 98 (Ages of Apocalypse)
187: UXM 376 - 377, XM 96 - 97 (The Twelve)
186: UXM # 372-375, XM # 92-95 (The Shattering)
167: Wolverine # 115 - 118 (OZT: Wolverine and the Fate of the X-Men)
158: X-Men V2 # 60 - 61 (Candra)
153: Post Onslaught Limited Series (1996)
150: UXM # 336, XM # 56 (Onslaught Phase 2)
149: UXM # 335, XM # 55 (Onslaught Phase 1)
143: UXM # 327, 332 & XMv2 # 46 - 49 - (Dark Beast, Joseph, Feral Wolverine)
135: UXM #323 - 325 (Gene Nation, Feral Logan, Rogue Wild)
129: Age of Apocalypse Part 2 (First Editions)
128: Age of Apocalypse Part 1 (Table Setting)
123: The Road to Legion Quest