What’s Covered?
New X-Men (Academy X) # 10 - 15, New X-Men: Hellions (2005) # 1 - 4, New X-Men: Academy X Yearbook #1
Roster Watch
New X-Men # 10 - 12: Too Much Information
Writer - Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir
Pencils - Paco Medina (10 - 11), Michael Ryan (12)
New X-Men vol. 2 #10 2/16/2005 Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir Paco Medina
In Cyclops' leadership class, Julian makes the point that David is useless in battle and could have a worthless leadership skill
David ask Emma to remove a mental block which was stopping him from retaining knowledge, now he remembers everything he ever borrowed from other peoples minds
Wolverine is teaching the new mutants about self-defense I love this meta comment!
Dani makes a comment about wolverine pulling triple duty on three different teams
Once David learns how to keep all of his smarts, he becomes exponentially smarter
We see a glimpse of three months later when David figures out how to cure cancer and aids, and all it took was killing Josh
New X-Men vol. 2 #11 3/23/2005 Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir Paco Medina
In this possible future, David is president and married to Noriko. He’s cured all diseases and brought most countries into the United States.
He has gone evil though and is planning on teleporting bombs into China to make the rest of the world complicit. He also killed Dani and the X-Men
This is intense
It was all an illusion that Emma made real so that David would see why it’s a bad idea to remove his mental block
Phew! This was a great little story!
Kevin threatens to expose Josh and Rahne unless Josh agrees to break up with Lauri
New X-Men vol. 2 #12 4/20/2005 Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir Michael Ryan
Some of David’s dreams are coming real
David, wondering about how he was with Noriko in his dream
I'm guessing this will be like Days of Future Past where we saw that Kitty was married to Piotr, then shortly after that they started getting together in real time.
Scott and Emma confront Rahne about how she was hooking up with Josh.
Dani is furious.
Rahne is leaving to go join X-Factor
David is mad at Josh
Laurie is mad at Josh
The shit has officially hit the fan.
Sean Garrison is a famous psychiatrist
He had been counseling Kevin, but gave him some questionable advice, such as outing Josh to help him get Lori
We learn that Sean is actually Lori‘s father, and therefore is a mutant who can control people with pheromones!
New X-Men # 13 - 15: Northstar dies, everyone hates Josh, and Prom!
Writer - Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir
Pencils - Paco Medina (14-15), Michael Ryan (13)
New X-Men vol. 2 #13 5/4/2005 Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir Michael Ryan
Laurie and everyone is furious with Josh for dating Rahne
W is brainwashed by Hydra and attacks the team.
Kills Northstar!
Ok, this was nuts. I'm clearly reading ahead here on this title because this is still out of left field.
Northstar’s Alpha Squad is sad and Shan will be their new counselor
Chameleon hides from Shan
Julian and Sophia fly around together
I'm not going to lie, I love their dynamic.
The Hand steals Northstar’s body
Dani upset cuz she was worthless as a fighter
Different ppl speak at NS’s memorial
Dani, Shan, Beast, Emma, Sasquatch
New X-Men vol. 2 #14 5/18/2005 Nunzio DelFilippis Paco Medina
Dani asks to go with Justin, Laurie’s (secret) dad, the psychiatrist
You know this is going to go bad, however even though Laurie's mom is at Prom too, nothing happens here.
David agrees to go with Laurie so she doesn’t stay home.
This makes both Kevin and Noriko sad
Jay asks Dust but she’s too modest for dances
Love this.
Nori asks Josh why David’s been ignoring her, and he tells her about the dream and them being married
Cessily (Mercury) is into Kevin (still).
Julian shows up to the dance with all 3 Cuckos but leaves them to dance with Sophia
Lori uses her pheromone powers to make David kiss her and to make Josh jealous. It works.
David is furious over this one.
Amara is talking to Josh
The Blob is talking to a therapist, heads to the school when he realizes the XM are gone.
New X-Men vol. 2 #15 6/16/2005 Nunzio DelFilippis Paco Medina
Dani asks Amara to join the faculty
The Hellions win Prizegiving
Blob attacks the school
David leads the Hellions and NM + Cucko’s to attack Blob
It works with pheromones and telepathy
Hellions # 1 - 4
Writer - Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir
Pencils - Clayton Henry
New X-Men: Hellions #1 5/25/2005 Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir Clayton Henry
The Hellions fight security as they try to get on a plane. Julian’s rich parents get them out of trouble
Julian’s parents disinherit him
The Hellions use magic to contact “The Kingmaker,” who says he can grant them each one wish.
New X-Men: Hellions #2 6/29/2005 Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir Clayton Henry
The kingmaker grants wishes
Rock slide becomes a famous wrestler
Kevin Ford is cured
Dust is reunited with her family
Cecily sees her parents and they are not ashamed of her
Julian stops a sniper to become famous
Brian/Tag is helping the others
New X-Men: Hellions #3 7/27/2005 Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir Clayton Henry
The Hellions beat Diamondback and Paladin, but find out they are stealing a bio weapon for the Kingmaker
Julian (and Tag) is fine keeping his word but the rest don’t want to turn it over
New X-Men: Hellions #4 8/17/2005 Nunzio DeFilippis, Christina Weir Clayton Henry
The Hellions outsmart the Kingmajer, then he kicks their ass, then yhey kick his.
Emma threatens Kingmaker and tells him to never come near her kids
My Connections and Creators
All I can say for now is that I absolutely adore these characters. I'll circle back and say more at a later date.